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PBL National Leadership Conference

PBL National Leadership Conference Image
Raised toward our $7,475 Goal
10 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on June 12, at 12:00 PM CDT
Project Owners

PBL National Leadership Conference

You can help these hard-working students! 

We set up this project to help us with remaining expenses related to attending the 2017 Phi Beta Lambda National Leadership Conference (NLC) in Anaheim, California, June 23-28, 2017. Eighteen student members who placed at the 2017 Arkansas PBL State Leadership Conference are eligible to represent SAU and Arkansas PBL at the NLC by competing in their respective events. Additionally, one member was elected to the office of Arkansas PBL Executive Vice President of Membership and is required to attend the NLC. The PBL National Leadership Conference includes the competitive events, workshops & keynote speakers, national officer elections and networking opportunities with members and professionals from across the country.

SAU PBL 2017 SLC Award Winners

SAU Phi Beta Lambda is proud to announce the winners from the Arkansas PBL State Leadership Conference which was held April 6-8, 2017, in Little Rock. Members earned 36 individual and team awards in competitive events and the chapter earned two membership awards. Eighteen members are eligible to represent Arkansas PBL at the 2017 PBL National Leadership Conference this summer in Anaheim, California.  Our awards are listed below, with those eligible for national competition indicated with *. Students attending the conference as alternates for a member who could not attend are marked with **.

First Place Awards

Accounting Analysis and Decision Making - Joseph Atchison*, Aric Callaway*, & Aaron Brock*  

Accounting for Professionals - Diane Latimer*

Business Communication - 4 Year Schools - Lisa Antoon

Business Sustainability - Thomas Quarshie* & Prince Marfo*

Computer Concepts - Wilson Impson*

Cost Accounting - Diane Latimer*

Desktop Publishing - Lera Street*

Forensic Accounting - Joseph Atchison*, Aric Callaway*, & Aaron Brock*

Future Business Educator- Kiley Corbitt*

Job Interview - Lera Street*

Sales Presentation - Cordell McDonald*

Second Place Awards

Accounting for Professionals - Victoria Young*

Business Communication - Overall - Lisa Antoon*

Computer Applications - 4 Year Schools - Alicia Rushing

Future Business Executive - Austin Taylor*

Microeconomics - 4 Year Schools - Levi Graham

Third Place Awards

Business Communication - 4 Year Schools - Cole Williams

Business Ethics - Thomas Quarshie & Prince Marfo

Desktop Publishing - Holly Roomsburg & Hannah Hathcock

Hospitality Management - Tray Beasley & Levi Edmondson

Information Management - Kiley Corbitt*

Marketing Analysis and Decision Making - Cordell McDonald**, Tray Beasley**, Levi Edmondson**

Microeconomics - 4 Year Schools - Victoria Young

Microeconomics - Overall - Levi Graham*

Public Speaking - Holly Roomsburg**

Sports Management and Marketing - Bryan Kemp*

Strategic Analysis and Decision Making - Austin Taylor & Brenden Hoof

Web Site Design - Wilson Impson

Fourth Place Awards

Accounting Principles - Levi Graham

Cost Accounting - Sarah Tyler

Job Interview - Jessica Miller

Marketing Analysis and Decision Making - Trenton Johnson & Brenden Hoof

Marketing Concepts - Alicia Rushing

Fifth Place Awards

Information Management - Julia Bussell

Marketing Concepts - Cole Williams**

Personal Finance - Micah Larey

Chapter Awards

Largest Local Chapter Membership, Third Place

Largest Professional Division Membership, Fifth Place

Students representing SAU at the National Leadership Conference in Anaheim include Joseph Atchison, Lisa Antoon, Tray Beasley, Aaron Brock, Aric Callaway, Levi Edmondson, Brian Kemp, Micah Larey, Prince Marfo, Cordell McDonald, Thomas Quarshie, Holly Roomsburg, Lera Street, Austin Taylor, and Cole Williams.

This year’s trip is considerably more expensive than previous years when the chapter has driven to nationals. With the additional cost of airfare, the trip will cost $17,885 in all. The chapter is currently $7,475 away from its fundraising goal.

Thank you so much for your consideration! We are so grateful for your support and are looking forward to representing Southern Arkansas University this summer as we compete at Nationals! 

Choose a giving level


One-Way Shuttle

A donation at this level could help provide a one-way shuttle from the airport to the conference hotel for a team member of PBL!


Round-Trip Shuttle

Your donation at this level could provide enough funds to provide a round-trip shuttle between the airport and the conference hotel for one team member.


Feed a Student

Your donation at this level would cover the cost of meals for a day at the conference.


Registration Fees

Make a gift of $115 and your gift will provide funds to cover conference registration for a PBL member.


All Meals Included

A gift of $253 will provide a PBL student with the funds to afford meals for the entire week of conference!


Up Up and Away

It will cost $480 for each member's round-trip airfare to attend conference.


Rested and Ready

Your donation at this level will provide four of our team members with a hotel room during the week of the conference.